How to Make an Epic Holiday Cheese Board in 10 minutes

Everyone loves a good charcuterie board and I’m going to show you How to Make an EPIC Holiday Cheese Board in just 10 minutes! The best cheeses to buy and how to fill your board with delicious snacks that will wow your guests! Plus step-by-step photos of how to assemble a cheese board to make it look instagram worthy!

How to Make an Epic Holiday Cheese Board in 10 minutes

  • 1 soft cheese (mozzarella, burrata, goat cheese, Brie)
  • 1 or 2 semi-soft cheese (Smoked Gouda, jarlsberg, blue cheese, Gorgonzola)
  • 1 semi-hard cheese (manchego, provolone, comte)
  • 1 hard cheese (Asiago, Aged Cheddar, Irish Cheddar, Parmesan)
  • 2 cured meats (salami, prosciutto, peppered salami, serrano ham, pancetta)
  • assorted crackers
  • nuts (almonds, cashews, candied pecans pistachios)
  • fruit (grapes, apple slices, pear slices, dried apricots, dried cranberries, pomegranate seeds)
  • extras (marinated olives, stone ground mustard, honey)

  1. Grab your Cheese Board. (slate, wooden cheese board, cutting board, plate, etc)
  2. Place your “extras” in various parts of the board in ramekins.
  3. Assemble your cheese (cut and uncut) all over the board.
  4. Now, add your crackers or toasted bread to the board. Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect or organized.
  5. Unwrap the cured meat and place them in various spots on the board. Sometimes I’ll look at my board and see where it needs a pop of color!
  6. Take the fruits and nuts you have and fill in any open spots on the board. Place them anywhere. There is no order to this. Just make the board look super full!
  7. Devour!
